Chat will be disabled in v3 for an extended period of time until I work out some performance issues, and upgrade the system behind it.
Chat will still show on the profile pages.
Yeah, that's fine by me. xD
Wait dom what do you mean?
Dom what is V3 chat all about anyway?
It's just that the current version of GamesButler is version 3, and this is chat for that version ^^
That explains why I can't chat with people.... :P
Check the date Charles. Of the first post.
Stfu. -_- Perhaps if everyone stopped reviving year old forums, it wouldn't look like it was a recent one, being at the top of the page.
You revive old forums all the time.
how come it fine for him to do it but when i do it everyone yells and screams
I don't like Charles doing it either.
Hey] wts up so bored am 15 and well new
My faith in the next generation just keeps plummeting and plummeting...