Simple is cool, Walkthroughs shouldn't be on the home page.
Plus the popular games should be reset month to month, that way we have a more up to date say of what is popular.
And you should add some sort thing that says when friends get on or off.
the popular games have been the same since i first got on this site, they should change every once and a while. other than that, the site looks good
I'm now tracking monthly plays, so the popular games will be "Popular Games of the Month" once the new home page is released
you should make it purple! :D lol other than that, I think a live chat or something of the like would be great once the forum is up and running :) maybe an on-site chat room?
wireframe 1 is the way it should be
and/or you could show some positive comments on games to attract people
I think top players should be at the top :)
Also there should be a smiley face
That would be nice
I didn't like how it looked with Popular games on top. I'm reworking the home page right now, just finished the new Top Players look. Refresh the home page and then let me know what you think.
i like one and agree with solo, no walkthroughs on the front page..
no. 1 is already in place, just kept popular games below top players, and walkthroughs stay!
then why did you put it on there???
i only posted that yesterday
that post is almost a month old!