I looked at my info and I saw I joined Gamesbutler Aug 10, 2011. I'm coming up to my anniversary. I wish I could celebrate it. Perhaps I can. How can I celebrate?
respond to everyone you like wall and inform them
At first I didn't quite get what you said but I'm guessing you mean tell them about my anniversary thing.
No. Don't do that. This is enough. Happy early anniversary!
TODAY IS MY ANNIVERSARY!! whooooohooooooo!
I checked your info. It isn't.
i read the wrong thing. it was the login date. haha
my real anniversary was a month ago:}
never mind mine is in december i looked at the last login
Dangit, I missed mine. It was July 27.
Lol Happy anniversary!!!! Hope you have a great rest of your day, as right now, the day is almost over. Well....have a happy day anyways! xD
have a happy day anyways! xD