hi people i was just wondering if u would want music on here. i know the website is called gamesbutler not musicbutler but a little music never hurt anything, right?
What do you mean music? Like, when you opened the page? Or as a side bar?
side bar so u can just click on it and pick rock or pop,hip hop,etc.
i told dom to look at this forum
Music would be awesome! Listieng to music and playing games on an awesome site...Kewl
did u hear the song fireflies by owl city and we could have some rap or whatever but leave some songs u like
Yeah, Owly city is good. Lady Gaga? Lol/
sure i like lady gaga songs
will it be censered music??
i know and tell ur other friends to come on here and give their opinion
Like my friends on the site? or my life friends?
Sweet. But it may be hard to get music up.
ya we could suggest a song and play it great idea
Even though this is a good idea, it would be very hard for me to put in place. To stream copyrighted music over the web you need piles of legal forms signed by record labels and it would cost a lot of money. I suggest web sites such as Pandora or even iTunes radio for listening to music while online.
ok dom i understand but i was wondering how do u make a website. i thought that u should know bcause u made gamesbutler, right?
Yup, there's a lot that goes into making a website, for GB I first designed it using PhotoShop and then I coded it in HTML/CSS. After that I coded it into PHP/SQL/JavaScript to add all of the user functions.
I started programming 5 years ago and finally getting good at it ;)
most of the time i have youtube up and i turn of the games music
You know I have a forum like this...You can check out the music there...And don't ask Dom to report it if you listen to the more "mature" songs cuz we even label them "Mature" or "inappropriate"-which is basically saying they are for mature listeners