
More point opportunities.

7 posts
Level 9
50 Posts
There should be more opportunities to get points on this site. Posting on the forums isn't all that fun. And the games that do give points aren't that great either.
Creating a new Account: 15 Points
Changing Your Avatar (Once): 15 Points
Upload a Game: 10 Points (+5 if featured)
Upload a Walkthrough: 10 Points
Game Achievements: 5 - 25 Points
Adding Text Help to a Game: 2 Points (+1 depending on rating)
Comment on a Game: 2 Point (+1 depending on rating)
Forum Post: 1 Point

There ya go.
Level 9
50 Posts
I know how to get points. I'm just saying there should be more opportunities for points...
you'll soon get points for rating games, and there's always the weekly bonus points
what weekly bonus points?
Level 9
50 Posts
What are the weekly bonus points? I've never seen them. Where do you find them?
Level 28
3,052 Posts
They are in the fourms. They are the ones where you can tell Dom how great G.B. is, or decide on other stuff. But on the left hand side you'll see a list of fourms, in the first catagory you'll see four fourms, News, Support, Weekly bonus points,and New members. Click the Weekly bonus points tab and you'll se a lit of weekly bonus points. Some are locked so you can't comment in those, but the fourm on the top is that weeks fourm for bonus points.