

19 posts
hay does any one know the theme song to adventure time i do so here it is

come on grab your friend we'll visit very distant lands with jake the dog and finn the human fun that never ends adventure time!
its almost as epic as the Aqua Teen Hunger Force theme song

My name is...
Shake zula
Tha mic rula
The old schoolah
You wanna trip? I'll bring it to ya
Frylock and im on top rock you like a cop
meatwad you up next with your knock knock
meatwad get the money see
meatwad get the honeys G
drivin in my car livin like a star
ice on my fingers and my toes and im a taraus
Ugh Check check it ya
Cuz we are the aqua teens
makes the homies say HO and the girlies wanna scream
Cuz we are the aqua teens
makes the homies say HO and the girlies wanna scream
aqua teen hunger force
number 1 in the hood g

Level 35
669 Posts
am i the only one tht thought this title sounded wrong?
Level 35
669 Posts
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
ya. i've seen it. i sometimes even watch the show. DON'T SAY IT SUX CAUSE IT DOESNT
Level 27
1,984 Posts
it sux
Originally posted by |Random$| Peterhay does any one know the theme song to adventure time i do so here it is

come on grab your friend we'll visit very distant lands with jake the dog and finn the human fun that never ends adventure time!
Awesome forum its about time we had some Adventure Time fans on here.
I thought this was beneath you, Peter.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Adventure time with all of your friends.
Originally posted by Danit sux
But it does.
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Adventure Time is Awesome and by it sucks thats just what you think. Do you ever think about other people's feelings for once in your life? Ever think how other people might feel that possbly like Adventure Time about your comments what if I made fun one of your favorite shows you'd might be mad at me. I once almost left this site cuz people made fun of Adventure Time, don't make me almost leave again. so don't make fun of it!!!

I wouldn't be mad at you. I'd just know you were voicing your own opinion, which you are entitled to have, as I am entitled to have mine.
Adventure time is awesome.