post some really cool horror stories
bla bla bla ~SCREAM~ bla bla bla ~HORROR~ bla bla bla ~BLOOD!~ bla bla bla ~DEAD~ bla bla bla ~OH WELL I DIDNT LIKE THAT GUY ANYWAYS~ bla bla bla ~HURRAY!!!~........ the end
u cant judge me....... AND NO I DNT NEED A SHRINK!!!!!!!..... BELLY DANCER!!! O)~<
kiding.. im fine....OR AM I
death ~ destruction ~ ARGH its a zombie ~ urgh urgh ~ *sucks brains out* ~ scream ~ runs ~ werewolf jumps out ~ horror ~ howls ~ werewolf tears guys to shred ~ 1 guy runs off and grabs and M16 machine gun ~ werewolf gets shot to death ~ zombie rips the machine out of his hands ~ infects him with a super virus that turns him into a walking zombie making machine ~ after a few seconds the entire city square is full of mad zombies ~ army arrives and take stratigic positions around the zombies ~ army leaps out of cover and let there bullets rip through the zombies ~ but they discover that these zombies are special zombies- immune to all bullets!! ~ the zombies head for the commandos ~ the army finds itself trapped with zombies coming in from all sides!!! ~ TO BE CONTINUED
PART 2!!!!!!!! ~ the zombies leap forward and kill the commandos one by one ~ a few cammandos escape and run for there helicopters ~ but when they get there they find more zombies tearing the choppers to shreds ~ the troops turn around and see the zombies pouring out of the city making straight for them ~ the commandos find themselves surrounded, again!!! ~ just in time a friendly helicopter spots them and lets down a ladder, the men are safe, for now ~ (a few days later) zombies have ravaged several countries- Japan, Great Britain, The United States of America, Brazil, South Africa, Spain and Central Asia ~ the zombies have taken control of Hawai and turned it into an island fortress ~ the armys of the world are in tatters trying to stop the neverending zombie hord ~ Earth is doomed, or is it? ~ TO BE CONTINUED
i'm dead ur alive i kill you
PART 3!!!!!!! ~ the commandos who survived the first zombie assault where it all kicked off find themselves fighting against zombies in Venezuela, battleing for control of the country ~ a freak storm takes both forces by surprise, causing a flash flood ~ the zombie team take this as an opportunity to take control, knowing that they can live underwater, unlike humams ~ the zombies plans backfire when lightening strikes the water surface, electrifying the zombies ~ the remaining zombies retreat to Brazil with large casualties ~ the humans have hope, they have won Venezuela and know have some more knowledge of the zombies, a weakness, LARGE AMOUNTS OF ELECTRICITY!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ with this intel the humans get to work making electric generators with the little resources they have left connecting them to cannons with large upgrades ~ they bring there brand new "Electic Cannons" in to battle for the first time ~ THEY WORK BRILLIANTLY!!!!! ~ the zombies forces are shattered as deadly bolts of electricity hit their ranks ~ the humans take back Brazil with the help of theese brilliant weapons ~ the zombies are more wary of the humans now that they have the ECs and get there top brains working on a way to fight back ~ but little do both forces know that a greater threat is lying in wait, watching earth as it is ravaged by war.......... TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!
ur story rocks oncoming storm
PART 4!!!!!!!! ~ now that the humans have mass produced the ECs, 8 counties have been taken back ~ the zombies rally their defenses hoping to bring the human march to a stand still ~ (a few days later) the human march has been brought to a stand still when the zombies discover a new metal, named "Discuscalatrus" it absorbs the electricity and turns it 100 times weaker before harmlessly releasing it into the air ~ the zombies quickly begin making body armor out of it, stopping the humans in the tracks and driving them slowly back ~ all the time someone watches the battle for Earth...... ~ however the zombies victory is short lived when the humans discover a common device wich can destroy discuscalatrus, magnets! the magnatisim has a very strong effect on the armor, pulling it off the zombies and exposing them to the electic bolts the zombies are pushed back, again! ~ while crossing a desert towards a zombie squad, 2 human spys come across somthing very strange, a tiled floor! just as they are about to cross it one of them cries "stop, don't move!" ~ TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!
PART 5!!!!!!! ~ the second spy begins to cross the tiles ignoring his friends warning ~ he instantly finds himself hanging off a large cliff face ~ i knew it was a trap cried the first spy ~ the second spy shouts help me you idiot! ~ just as he is about to help the second spy loses his grip and falls into the abyss ~ the floor closes up and the tiles disapear ~ the remaining spy contiues with his mission ~ he finds the zombie squad, but not in a state they would normally be in, they are dead ~ the spy inspects each of the bodys but doesn't find a scratch on them ~ behind him something is riseing out of the sand.... ~ he quickly swivles around but to late, he is dead before he hits the sand ~ the spies squad become worried when there spies don't return ~ before the leaders have a plan of action their camp comes under siege, but not by zombies, by something large and insect- like, something with large claws and razor sharp teeth, something ALIEN ~ the first alien in line speaks, "greetings foolish earthlings, we have watched your planet for centurys and have decided, now that you are ravaged and weak, the might of the Dravidions can take your planet with ease MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, oh and by the way, we come in peace"
TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PART 6!!!!!!!!!! ~ African command get anxious, they haven't had a report from there desert squad in days and can't pick up any life signs, human or zombie ~ British command comes under attack from zombies, a combination of ECs and magnets drive them back, but before they can repair there defences, a Dravidion attack leaves there base in tatters and everyone dead ~ its the same story in Japan, China, The U.S and Brazil, zombies attack and then Dravidions take out whats left, right after killing the retreating zombies ~ as no one lives to tell the tale of the alien menace, human and zombie forces are more confused than ever ~ (a few days later) Dravidions have intercepted all human satelites and make a world wide broardcast on the remaining TVs "people of earth, we come in peace however, most of you will not survive the oncoming invasion and those of you who do, will become our slaves, so to recap we come in peace, but you are all going to die, have a nice day" ~ (worldwide panic) ~
TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!
PART 7!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ a few hour after the broardcast the world is in panic as the Dravidions begin the invasion ~ zombies and humans alike are massacred as the Dravidions sweep through countries, destroying everything in there path ~ at the Polish border the Dravidions are having quite a hard time trying to get through the defences ~ the Dravidions retreat after a rather short struggle ~ the humans see this as a sign of victory, but soon after the base is blown to pieces, however there are no zombies or aliens near by ~ human bases and zombie bases are mysteriously blown up in the same way soon after the Polish assault ~ British intelligence pick up something asteroid sized orbiting the planet ~ it is belived to be a large Dravidion craft and several nukes are targeted to blow it out of the sky ~ a few minutes before the launch a energy wave is detected leaving the ship, heading for British intelligence and the silos ~ just as they are about to launch, the silos are ripped to pieces by concentrated energy bolts and British intelligence is destroyed in the same way ~ the energy wave also triggers a nukelear reaction across the whole of Britain, leaving it lifeless ~ the top zombie leaders and the President of The U.S, The British Prime Minister and other world leaders meet together for the first ever time to disscuss and allience and a way to destroy the Dravidions ~
TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!
yep its a big story innit well its gonna be delayed for 2 weeks now i'm off on vacation
How many parts are there?!!! btw epic story Carnage
Carnage never finished part 8 is he still on vacation?
Poop fails at being a monster so he eats cheese its
there was a log cabin in a dark forest, in 1897 a family lived there. one night, a tortued soul who had no eyes appeared in the 7 year olds room, picked up a knife, and sliced the kids eyes out, soon night after night, each of them died,, and now, there powerful enough to spread fear, the parents stayed in england, the 7 year old went to africa, 12 year old went to america, 18 year old went to australia, and the tortued soul went to asia, now every 1st day of every month, they strike, whos next, nobody knows..
i have a great horror story to tell you guys...
It was a dark and stormy night at Peter's crib and on that very night he was forced to watch.... GOSSIP GIRLS!!!!
justin beiber. the scariest horror story since the man who invented homework
PART 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the meeting ended with an alligence, the zombies and humans combined may now have hope ~ dravidions have heard of the human/zombie truce but have no fear as they think nothing can stop them destroying earth ~ SUCCESS!!!!!!!! an ambush on a dravidion convoy of troop carriers and hover tanks ended with the first victory for H.Z.C.F.T, Human and Zombie Combined Forces Team, the convoy was traveling through a large rocky valley when they where ambushed from all sides by a large zombie hord, who ripped through the dravidion armor and as the zombies swarmed in through the cracks, human sniper teams on the surrounding hills took out any fleeing aliens with headshots ~ as the zombies spilled out again EC cannons targeted the ruined convoy and opened fired making sure no aliens survived ~ after hearing of the H.Z.C.F.T's victory dravidions see that H.Z.C.F.T must be destroyed or they may suffer more losses ~ energy rays are detected heading to all major citys ~ one by one the citys are devastated ~ H.Z.C.F.T see this was an attack with a message "you may have had some major victorys but we still can destroy your citys at will" ~ H.Z.C.F.T decide is enough is enough and something must be done about the giant space cannon ~
TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol i meant it to be 2 parts
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that thing jst bit the crack outa me.. omg its blood were gonna die i shall b back awwwwwwww its not there..the end
Part 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a special ground to space cannon is being designed and built in a secret siberian war factory by H.Z.C.F.T ~ dravidions have no idea whats going on ~ the cannon is specialy designed to harvest something called "Energon", a unique energy that comes from emeralds mixed with quartz pushed together by strong magnetic forces ~ then the cannon absorbs the energon, pushing electricity, fire and ice into the energon, then the combo is released out of a specialy modified barrel into space, and completely obliterates anything in its way, thats the idea anyway ~ dravidions have finally heard reports of this cannon and become worried as this is the same energy combo they use for there own energy cannon ~ dravidions think there is a spy in there mothership who is telling H.Z.C.F.T about there advancements in weaponry ~ dravidion generals order a clean sweep of the entire ship ~ a human spy is found and interrogated aboarded the mothership he tells them nothing so they throw him out into deep space ~ the dravidions have located the secret war factory and power up there cannon, just as H.Z.C.F.T begin powering up there newly finished cannon both cannons fire and as the beams streak towards each other....
TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PART 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ the beams meet and begin a power battle, with each cannon funneling more power into there beam ~ the beams meeting place is being pushed back towards the war factory, as the dravidion cannon is the more powerful ~ just as the dravidion beam is about to hit home, the battle cruiser is sent into oblivion by several nukelear time bombs left by the spy before he was captured ~ news of the motherships obliteration spreads quickly accross Earth (as does falling debris) the dravidion morale shattered, the spirits of zombies and humans raised ~ the dravidions lose many battles as there troop supply has been shortened and there technology salvaged and copied by humans and, most of all, there fighting spirits destroyed ~ the dravidions flee Earth and head to the moon to create a base and consider there options - flee, attack, surrender or attempt to make a truce ~ however many of the ships are taken down heading for the moon and the dravidions think the last option is out of the question ~ the dravidions simply don't know what to do
TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Carnage is this still a horror story? It just went from horror to action science fiction in like 4 parts, but it's still an epic story though lol......LOL i didn't notice energon! Transformers reference lol
yep and i agree not much of a horror anymore
um..... not sure wat to do next
lol it's still good, you should still keep it how it is and write-EHEM!-type more of these stories, i enjoy action sci-fi a lot
I'M OUT OF IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!
PART 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! H.Z.C.F.T begin preparing a battle fleet to go up to the moon and destroy the remenants of the dravidion invasion force ~ dravidions begin making anti-air cannons in case H.Z.C.F.T attack, however they are a bit makeshift as the resources are down ~ H.Z.C.F.T finish designing battle fleet, and move on to building the fleet ~ dravidions send out a portion of there number to get help from there homeworld, Dravidia, they know if they send out to many ship, they will be detected by H.Z.C.F.T and shot down by ground to space cannons ~ (A FEW MONTHS LATER) building of battle fleet finishes and testing begins ~ (meanwhile) DRAVIDIA - homeworld of the Dravidions ~ a new invasion force begins instant prepareation of all avalible dravidion battle cruisers once the dravidion emperor - Emperor Regnorok - hears of the defeat ~ top dravidion stratigists and generals get together to draw up battle plans ~ testing of H.Z.C.F.T battle fleet done and dusted, all craft are set to launch ~ dravidion battle plans done, battle fleet is in the air and streaking towards earth, bent on revenge ~ H.Z.C.F.T detect the dravidion battle fleet before they have even entered the solar system and divert their own fleet to engage ~ both fleets streak towards each other and as the first shots are fired, H.Z.C.F.T and Dravidia alike will know this battle will go down in history...
TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know whats weird? Regnorok is a common Alien emperor name for some reason.
PART 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ (a few hours later) the battle is raging and several battle cruisers are in flames ~ Emperor Regnorok is coming to join the battle in his private destroyer ~dravidion battle cruisers vastly outnumber H.Z.C.F.T's force of battle cruisers, but H.Z.C.F.T have greater weaponry capabilitys and a much larger hulk, this becomes a problem for H.Z.C.F.T as the dravidions spilt up and begin operating like a pack ~ each group of fast and nimble dravidion battle cruisers speed after the large bodys of human craft, surround them, fire several shots to disable the cruiser, board and kill the crew, leave to there own ships, and fire several more shots to send the human battle cruiser up in flames ~ Regnorok arrives in a absolutly HUGE destroyer ship, and blows up most of the human fleet ~ humans know they will loose unless they target Regnorok's destroyer and send it to oblivion ~ this they attempt to do but with several being picked off by dravidion spaceships and the destroyer's long-range cannons, only a small amount manage to get the destroyer in range ~ those who do decide enough is enough and concentrate all their firepower on the deadly destroyer....
TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PART 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ the human fire hits the destroyer... and has zero effect ~ the destroyer blasts down several more cruisers and rams another two, destroying them ~ the 3 H.Z.C.F.T ships that are left flee at maximum speed back to earth, but one is intercepted and destroyed ~ dravidions battle cruisers daren't go near earth for fear of ground to space cannons ~ the destroyer's crew is more brave as they have energy shields, heavy armor and huge cannons that dwarf most H.Z.C.F.T cannons ~ H.Z.C.F.T open fire on the destroyer ~ H.Z.C.F.T's guns are more powerful than the dravidions thought and their energy shield struggles against the human firepower ~ after destroying several cannons the destroyer's shield gives way and the craft is open to fire ~ after several areas blow up, the destroyer flys out of range of H.Z.C.F.T and begins pondering the next move ~ H.Z.C.F.T get to work repairing the damaged cannons ~ while H.Z.C.F.T is busy Regnorok orders the smaller battle cruisers to attack, but seeing what the cannons can do to the destroyer, they flee and leave the destroyer alone ~ on earth H.Z.C.F.T have studyed the scans of the destroyer and come to a conclusion - the destroyer can only be destroyed... from the inside ~
TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u picked up 26 points for a story
PART 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ a special set of squads is being training by H.Z.C.F.T to infiltrate the destroyer and destroy it ~ special teleportation pods are being designed to send the D.D.S (Death to the Dravidions Squads) into the destroyer to destroy it ~ OPERATION OBLIVION: STEP 1: Squad 1 will get in and kill all dravidions in sight STEP 2: squad 1 will then signal for Squad 2 come in who will split up and spread out into the surrounding area, kill all dravidions they meet and form a defensive circle around Squad 1 STEP 3: Squad 3 will enter and spilt up and escort the troops in Squad 2 farther out into the ship, expanding the defensive circle STEP 4: Squad 4, the bomb team, will enter and squad 1 will guard them as they go even further in to the ship STEP 5: dravidion alarms should've sounded by now, at which point Squads 2 & 3 will move out into the ship and begin a full scale assault but they will be acting as a decoy to attract dravidion attention while Squads 1 and 4 lay the bomb at the power core of the destroyer, which holds a lot of highly explosive energy, when detonation happens it would be 1000 times more powerful than a nuclear bomb ~ the D.D.S's training has been complete, and OPERATION OBLIVION is go...
TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok the oncoming storm is there an end to ur story
haha lol great story oncoming storm
but i dont like reading could you make it in to a movie lol :)