Personally i say the Super Mario Bros. game series, post what you think whether its call of duty or even halo, or really any SERIES, stress on series
HALO3 is cool but i agree with u.
The "Quest" Series by Sierra... Ex: Quest for Glory, Kings Quest, Space Quest, Police Quest
super smash bros brawl is a great game
You aren't trolling. You're necroing.
The facts on Wikipedia say that it's the Super Mario Series that is the most successful game ever.
it would have to be mario but God Of war to me is one of the other best series out there along with COD and halo.
Star wars the force unleshead I and II. The House I and II,The Hallowen.Left 4 dead and Left dead.and Dead Island
thats all popular in my country
The thing is, they are very good games but this is 'Most successful' and I think that's something like Tetris.
Last time I checked, stores aren't yet legally required to check ID for M rated games...but they are permitted to refuse a sale if you look young. Really, there aren't that many good M rated games.
But in terms of sales, the most successful video game series is probably Mario. They sold over 446 million games since 1981...or over 14 million games a year.
Valve can't count to three
What we want: Portal 3, Half life 3 etc. What Valve does: Makes more hats for TF2.
the Assassin's Creed series, the Call of Duty series, the Halo series, and the Legend of Zelda games
The GRAND THEFT AUTO series are fantastic, my personal favorite :)
Why do you revive forums so much?
I don't think people from 6 months ago really care about your opinion.