Hey, back a few months ago, I left the forum. I now reuturned, and everyone talks about these clans. I have been invited to a few of them, and I don't really know which to join. Can someone answer the following please?
1. What exactly are the point of a clan?
2. What clans are there?
3. Which clan is the most exclusive? (The best)
Thanks :D
I.M.S is the most exlusive i am a former member until i left for the agents
agents are the most exclsive there are more agents
agents are cool cos im one
If they are so exclusive, what makes them better than others?
you may join I.O.G. I will let you in, no questions asked
What makes I.O.G good? If anyone can join, it can't be exclusive.
thees only one I.O.G. member now since i quit. lol so its not so good. I think Agents is the best since we have the most members and some of the best players
I saw that the I.M.S had really top players. And more members is worse. I want to know which is more esclusive. More=less legit.
I.M.S think there so cool for some reason and they just want to rule GamesButler
hey carnage are u ims or agent
carnages an agent and plus Paradox, all of our members are in the top 100
then again top 100 isnt tht hard to get
Yeah, top 100 is not impressive. I think top.... 10 is impressive.
BillyRalphClan is the best
The one that no ones knows about lol
Ya but Agent Mooch is in the top 5, 4th place, me and scarecrow are in the 20s
i started agents for fun, now its really good :)
the agents have been killed off now
i was curious about the same thing paradox