Got any good ones? I wanna here em!
Chuck Norris can light a man on fire, underwater.
Most people can do that...
chuck norris can start a fire by rubbing two ice cubes together.
Chuck Norris doesn't swim, water just likes to be around him.
Chuck Norris attack sharks when he smells them bleed.
@polokid, you got that from Epic Rap Battles Of History. But I Don`t really care.
jesus can walk on water but chuck norris can swim on land
you cant find chuck norris he finds you
Do you know Chuck Norris had a role in Star Wars....He was the force.
Chuck Norris died 20 years ago, Death just hasn't built up the courage to tell him yet.
chuck norris went to the virgin islands and they became the islands
chuck norris molestes children
Chuck Norris counted to infinity... twice
Chuck Norris will not leave messages. He leaves warnings.
chuck norris sleeps with a pillow under his gun
chuck norris clogs the toilet when he PEES.
Chuck Norris was meant to be on Mount Rushmore but the granite wasn't hard enough for his beard
chuck norris doesn't flush toilets. He scares the out of it.
chuck norris wants a steak, cows volunteer. *Cows talking. its just easier that way*
Oh this morning, chuck norris gargled peanut butter instead of mouthwash!
i dont like chuck he's a retard
Umm...there is a Chuck Norris, I believe.
CHUCK NORRIS COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
chuck norris is so tough there is no chin under his beard there is only another fist
kids check there closet for the boogyeman
the boogyeman checks his closet for chuck norris
LOL. First joke from family guy.
Chuck Norris doesn't battle, he just allows you to lose.
1. Chuck Norris's tears treat a cancer. But it so is abrupt that never cries. In general.
2. Chuck Norris never sleeps. He waits.
Chuck Norris has legal proceedings now with channel NBC, asserting that "Law" and "Order" are its registered trade marks of the left and right feet.
3. Chuck Norris's basic exported product — a pain.
4. If you see Chuck Norris, he sees you. If you don't see Chuck Norris, probably, you needed to live all some seconds.
5. Chuck Norris has counted indefinitely. Twice.
6. Chuck Norris doesn't go shooting, because the word to "hunt" means failure possibility. Chuck Norris goes to kill.
7. Chuck Norris doesn't erase the clothes, it cleans it.
8. Chuck Norris on 1/8 — CHERROKY. An origin here at anything, it has gobbled up devil's the Indian.
9. On last page of the Guinness Book of Records in small print it is specified that all world records belong to Chuck Norris, and in the book those people who managed to come nearer as much as possible to them are simply listed.
he heks... just 9 of 112 facts about chuck norris))
if a zombie bites chuck Norris he doesn't turn into a zombie but a zombie turns in to chuck Norris
BEGONE, FOUL SPAMMER!!! *Holds up crucifix*
Chuck Norris can whoop anybody's as.s
No, it was, "And I Care Why?"
Oh yeah! The similarities confused me.
I can't come up with a comment.