I just want everyone to spill out a secret that they have kept from this site. Anyone is welcome to join. please only post positive comments about their secrets.
I have had over 35 online relationships.
I've dated more girls than guys.
I'm not sure what to post...
Taylor, why would u tell us u r lesbian?
Im not a lesbian, I am bi. And because i can.
i have escalaphobia
(i'll try and think of something better)
i've never successfully completed a trust fall
Interesting.... Jack, remember, I said be positive.
trust falls take a lot of trust
I had to get 40 stiches because of a failed trustest....
i had to get 36 under my lip for a failed depth perception test
I've only had 2 girlfriends in my life so far...and I'm and I'm still with one
well Torrey, walk up to the dude you like and kiss him
u havent aww thats sweet though
Haha, i'm shy as hell though.
my longest relationship was two weeks
my shortest one was 10 seconds XD
my longest was 1 month and like 5 days and my shortest one was 2 days
My shortest was. 'Lets date.' 1min later. 'Wait never mind.'
Longest almost 4 months.
Shortest....i dunno couple weeks.
Longest was like 2-3 years.
Damn, go you. Thats a long time.
I've never broken a bone.
i have. actually, a lot. my arm and leg while wrestling, my foot while playing football and soccer and lax. broke my foot a lot
I've never been kissed either, well....not on the lips by someone I really love, when(If) Autumn comes here to KY I'm so gonna kiss her! >:|
no one asked you Jack!! GTFO!
i've broken some of my bones, but i never went to a doctor or anything. i see that as a loss of pride and it takes true strength to hold your own. and ive sprained both of my ankles at the same time, but refused to stop playing football and volleyball. i sprained both of my wrist at the same time and refused to stop playing basketball and baseball..im a pretty hardcore guy
Jackass, haha, but I'm just as hardcore, but I don't hold pride, that's a sin.
Another secret is I did a total of 500 sit ups today and I'm yet to have visible abs, been doing sit ups the entire week tacking on 100 every day
haha nice fail/win
my 6 paks disapearing now, since ive stopped working out :(
I don't have any sing of a six pack. :( It is muscle under some flab.
Well Peter knowing you you'll probably be working out now for some girl,
N' Jole, I feel for you
Yeah... Jack my fb name was Jole.
But your names Andrew. Andrew Jole Beck (thats what you told me.) So why does he call you Jole? Its your middle name.
Well, I did it because of secruity reasons. I was Jole (middle name) Anderson (Andrew) Sharp (other side of the familys name, confusing?)