So I was watching the trailer for the movie Untraceable
and if you decide to watch it you'll know about the website in the movie...I then ended up watching
Seriously it's not funny and I'm paranoid...and you know, people actually can make websites to kill's possible...and I'm kinda scared to even think about it...
I need suggestions dammit!
Dude I saw your comment on there! lol
Umm, well, I was a bit spooked. But remember, one it is JUST a movie. Two, at then end of that spook scene it said it was fake.
i would have loved to see that movie
I love it too...Visited the site cuz I really don't give a damn if it was real...A zombie image pops up with a scream, but the sick ba.stard had to go THAT far just for a POP UP SCARE!
Didn't get me though...Just to warn you if you see this, it's just a shocksite where a skeleton pops up...No human was harmed except for your psychological state perhaps...Other than that, the worst thing that happens is that you jump...