Anatidaephobia is the fear that somewhere in the world, there is a duck watching you
You can't hum while holding your nose closed
You're more likely to die on your way to buy a lottery ticket than you are to actually win the lottery
If you touch your tongue while yawning, it can stop the yawn
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia' is the fear of long words
Women speak about 7000 words a day. The average man averages just over 2000
These facts will never help in life, but are pretty fun :)
Haha, I like the talking one,lmao
pointless fact: when that woman Justin Bieber was a little girl, he looked exactly like my little cousin does now as a 4 year old i think.
ballistaphobia is the fear of missiles, weapons or being shot
escalaphobia is the fear of escalators
Penaphobia is the fear of........
Humphobia is the fear of being humped.
Jubiphobia is the fear of Justin Bieber.
Wonaphobia is the fear of Willy Wonka.
Valaphobia is the fear of not have a valentine for 11 years. O_o AHHHHH!
Ah, escalators freak me out D:
Claustrophobia is the fear of enclosed spaces.
"I have Claustrophobia...In fact...Why'd I close my door?!?? I should really open it now!!!! Okay losin' it hot in here?"
That's an average weekend for me...=.=
Phobophobia, fear of phobias
Mnemophobia, fear of memories
Cheimaphobia, fear of cold
Didaskaleinophobia, fear of going to school
Auroraphobia, fear of the Northern Lights
Autodysomophobia, fear of someone who smells vile
Automatonophobia, fear of ventriloquist's dummies
Autophobia, fear of yourself
Sitophobia, fear of eating
Amaxophobia, fear of riding in a car
Philophobia, fear of love
Malaxophobia, fear of love play
benkinersophobia: fear of not receiving a letter from hogwarts
in that case, I have Automatonophobia
Hey Torrey that's not fair considering I have a small case of Pilophobia!
Necrophobia-Fear of Necromancy and Undead
-cries-Oh why oh why must I have Philophobia....
actually necrophobia is fear of death
useless fact. Antarctica is actually a desert because it hasn't rained there for over 2 million years
Uh Devastator...No it can't be, Necro-is not a prefix meaning death, it means it must mean fear of undead...
Eh you'd better shut up for this Dev but you were HALF right, it is the fear of death, but it's not JUST the fear of death
It's described(On Wikipedia) as the fear of DEATH and all things associated with it i.e. UNDEAD!
Also Dan, the phobia facts aren't pointless if someone on here wants to be a psychiatrist(I can't believe I spelled that right without a spell-check error)...
i knew that chloe. its the driest place on the planet
driest place on earth? umm the entire thing is snow and ice
yes but its all frozen, so it doesn't actually count
DEVASTATOR'S RANDOM (but true) FACT OF THE DAY: There is no such thing as a fish.
iknow its cos nobody knows what they really are
Well, I don't think reptiles breathe underwater, if i remember correctly
Dontareadamypostaphobia, spell it out slowly and you'll get it soon.
it reads: don't a read a my post a phobia
DEVASTATOR'S RANDOM (but true) FACT OF THE DAY: The earth has 7 moons.
Nah, it has like 600 billion moons. Some are chopped off and some are.... *cough cry* USED!!!
DEVASTATOR'S RANDOM (but true) FACT OF THE DAY: The largest thing a blue whale can swallow is a grape fruit.
Small throut(i think I spelled that right)
Whoops, sorry. Small throat. Happy?
DEVASTATOR'S RANDOM (but true) FACT OF THE DAY: J.K Rowling is richer than the queen of Britain.
Well ain't that nice for the lady who starting writin' the Harry Potter books on a NAPKIN in a DINER!
Proving that even the poorest of people can be richer than a queen hahahaha! TAKE THAT CRITICS!
And yes, Torrey, I am happy.
blah blah phobia wow theres alot of phobias
Funny, sarcasm, Torrey, I hate it...Grrrrr....
1.)I'm a perv...Oh well
2.)I listen to all styles of music though I prefer rock
3.)I sing a perverted song(i.e. Animals by Nickelback) about 100 times a day...
5.)Number 4 was a random fact =.=
Rawr!!! My rawr is better than your grrr :P (Oh and Animals is a awesome song)
TYHIS IS SPPPPAAAARRRRTTTTAAAAA!!!!! is better then ur rawr
DEVASTATOR'S RANDOM (but true) FACT OF THE DAY: Coke is called coke because it used to contain cocane
whatever, its for people who don't so shut up