i bet as soon as you saw wats the longest you thought i was gonna talk about my john... well im not... not yet at least.
So X-Box LIVE is addictive and i just finished playing 10hours straight cause my mom made me turn it off cause we had to go. so wats the longest you've ever played video games?
the longest i've ever played was for a day straight, 24 hours.
I've hit 6 straight, but I've done 10 with breaks.
on LIVE i get so into the game that i lose track of time.the other day it felt like i only played an hour the most, when it was actually seven. and if im playing video games, for some reason i dont get hungry. maybe killing noobs feeds me or something
If i had LIVE id be on nonstop (not BR breaks ofcourse) iIam usally stuck playing them nonstop until i beat them (which isnt hard ;D) When i played BlackOps i playe like 2 or 3 missions and beore i knew it it was 3 hours after. I was sitting there like: "Damn"
on one race in forza about 2 hours bored out of my mind lol
I played on my DS nonstop 12 hours