

10 posts
dont you feel the excitment,the spirit
ITS HERE!!!!!!!!!!
im gonna stay home and catch up on some Z's. it turns out that almost everyone i know is gonna do the same lol
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
I'm verrrryyyy excited!!XD
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Level 27
1,984 Posts
stupidest day ever
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
awww, its over:(
Level 21
279 Posts
i fell the same like dan_rucka_nucka 101 bcuz it was just borin i dint o trick or treating,went to lame birthday party , they had nasty candy, i didnt get to watch a movie and bummed from friday at skool cuz my gf was crying
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Well I'm not going trick or treating next October...I've decided that I shouldn't have gone at 13 anyways....Maybe go on a date with Alice to a haunted house but no more costumes unless I dress up and scare the shi.t out of ppl

btw there were these neighbores of mine who had the following decorations....
1 girl from the Ring with glowing green eyes
1 creepy witch
1 fridge with a hand, a brain in a jar, and a head in it
1 handless, headless, and feetless body hung on their house wall
1 upper bodyless body in a lawn chair
one coffin
creepy music and fog machine
and fake blood paint all over the garage....
and a man who gave out candy had a cleaver and Alice was so scared she jumped into my arms *snicker*
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Yay I get to scare ppl in Highschool! I can't wait till I'm 14...That's when Alice can come back!