
Hmmmmm, wats ur fav show?

3 posts
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
Mine is Glee!
Mine is Csi and No ordinary family and Modern family
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Mine is CSI New York,Criminal Minds,Without a Trace,NCIS,Law and Order, Bakugan Gundalian Invaders, Naruto,Naruto Shipudden,Bleach, Glee,I can give you a big list but I'd say Naruto Shippuden and Glee tie for first with All the crime shows tied for 2nd and the rest of the anime so here we go
1st place:
Glee, Naruto Shippuden
2nd Place:
CSI New York,Criminal Minds,Without a Trace,NCIS,Law and Order
3rd place:
Bakugan Gundalian Invaders
4th place:
Full Metal Alchemist,Bleach,Kekaishi
5th place:Naruto