What do you think about Doctor Who? Do you know what Doctor Who is?
Which was the first doctor you watched killer221?
I know it is. Who/what is your favourite monster/alien?
Orangutans are not Doctor Who monsters but Loch Ness Monsters are!
Doctor Who is AMAZING!!!
oh no a screwdriver, d o u c h e bag
well why use a screwdriver
Sonic spanner doesn't sound as catchy.
My favourite episode is the End of Time pt. 2.
-_- its just 1.Too far fetched
2. terrible actors/actresses
3. Boring
If you think they've got terrible actors you haven't seen the new doctor.
The new doctor is ok. BUT DAVID TENNANT IS A W E S O M E!
Smith beats Tennant by a mile.
I know what it is, but i've never seen it.
its dumber that britney spears
Doctor who? nope never heard of him.
Hey, don't shoot the messenger.
Doctor who travels back in time.
What?!?? That is so cool!!
1.Dr. kitten
6.Dr. mamma kittey
I love doctor who but I dont like the new episodes but the old ones
By "The old episodes" do you mean the classic series (William Hartnell-Paul McGann)
Damn. Go watch it on the interweb. (Start with the revived series, once you're finished with most of them, watch the classic series on DVD)
The weeping angels always scare me for some reason that is the only thing that scares me instead of opening the Pandorica.
Weeping angels bad creatures you'll never see it coming.
The Weeping Angels scare everybody. Even me. How's opening the Pandorica scary?
tell me about it. Silence shall fall.
It shall. The Universe is cracked... The Pandorica will open... Silence will fall...