This forum is for special people..........You'd all probably know who they are. However take it as a request or anything else(its up to you) but stop pointing grammer mistakes of other least not on the internet. Every person has their own way of writing so don't pick a point if someone makes a grammer mistake. It's irritating and barbaric!
Correct grammar is not barbaric. It's just right.
You see...I only point out the mistakes when it is necessarily bothersome to even get through reading. I point it out when it hurts me to read it because it is so wrong. I can understand if it's not your native language, but I know most people here are probably American or can speak English well enough to choose to go on this site. I expect some level of decency in my speech and if you don't reach it, it gets annoying to even deal with you. This is a forum. We expect some thought out posts, and if your grammar level is below the even thought out level there's a problem with your post and it essentially is useless to us.
A post whose grammar is so terrible that it is impossible to decipher is spam, and spam needs to be deleted.
Think of this as preparing for the real world or even later schooling. I am a TA for a course at my university. I read lab reports submitted by students ever week for the last 10 weeks. You know what I did when I couldn't understand what they wrote? I gave them a 0 for that section.
And, English has it relatively easy. In Spanish, getting rid of accent marks turns "My father is 47 years old" into "My potato has 47 anuses".
With grammar: "Let's eat, grandpa."
Without grammar: "Let's eat grandpa."
Classic example of why grammar is important. Without it, people become cannibals.
Wait a sec! That's punctuation! Stop right there, criminal scum!
This request is not in the case when people make extremely stupid mistakes and their sentences are the ones that can't be understood but pointing out simple comma's and tenses.......that's irritating
Furthermore, you all don't even know that the person who made the mistake is having English as a native language or not........In my opinion understanding is all that matters!
You won't get anywhere if you can't communicate your ideas clearly. You can't communicate you ideas clearly unless you and everyone else agree upon a common way of communication. This common way of communication is called grammar.
Of course, if you really want to, you could always settle for knowing just one sentence in proper grammar for the rest of your life - "Would you like the sandwich or the meal?"
Last thing.......I am saying this 'cause i think that the discussion is going far from the point I picked.......I said don't point out mistakes on THE real life i also point out mistakes of the people who are close to me BECAUSE i dont want anyone else to think they have a bad English or anything negative