who here knows how to kill slendy?
It's impossible to kill him. hes hiding in your house? ^_^ give him tea and he won't kill you. that's all i know about slendy.
Spidey give him kids and he won't kill you.
What about the tea? he likes tea too.
He likes green tea, not tea.
He'll kill you!! Well I guess he will kill all the spiders and dogs.
Slenderman is such a stalker... XD
well there is a house u have to go inside the house and search for a letter in that letter the person who wrote it says there are weapons inside the house u have to search for weapons and u will find a gun or something i dont knw then u have to get out of the house and kill slenderman
he killed 167 people in the past few years!
I'm sure it's more than that.
selndy you going down town son no bitch hides from you
.__. uhhh he cant die just so u now so yea bro.
Dont , now 11:00PM at Malaysia ,, Omg :OO
Slenderman, Y U SUCH A PHOTO-BOMB?
This forum makes me scared.
no a police officer shot two shells at the slender man and he died
Did I not just say we would have heard about it?????
for that work 10 or more people need u needed to use drill guns
sword but move carefule be together u need bombs to trap him and then attack
with sword for killing people will dead but slender man will and then attack wih guns slender man will only dead if he had devead
Okay, well, we need to stop with the bold. Anyways; I know how to kill Slenderman.
who think,s slendy can,t die
killing dead dieing hunting
Slenderman is the personification of child fear and paranoia based around the imagination. That's why he shows himself to children. Some cases he attacks teens and adults but you can assume that this is because they saw BIM as a child, leading to fear, paranoia and anxiety. To defeat him you must simply not care.