tell me a hilarious yo mama joke below!
yo mama so fat her belt size is the equator
yo mama so stupid, she thought the International Date Line was a dating service
yo mama so ugly she makes onions cry
yo mammas so fat not even dora can explore her!!!
yo mammas so fat that when she saw a school bus drive down the street she yelled "Stop that twinkie!!"
yo mama so dumb she thought hamburger helper came with a person! Oh nd these all rock!
i tell the best yo mamma jokes.
yo mammas so poor that for christmas she drew an X on a Box and spun it and said "Heres your X-Box 360!!!"
yo mammas so black that she got marked absent in night school
yo mama so fat her when she bends over people say, hey, its the grand canyon
yo mamma so fat that she left the house in high heels and came back in flip flops
yo mamma so fat that when she walked outside in a yellow raincoat people said theres the school bus kids
yo mamma so nasty she has to put salt down her pants to keep the crabs fresh
yo mamma so poor that when she opened the door she moved all her furniture
yo mamma so fat when she turned around people gave her a welcome back party
yo mamma so stupid she thought a quarterback was a refund
beat that
Yo mama so fat, when i stepped on a ciggarete in her house she said, who turned of the light
yo mammas so poor that when i rang the doorbell to her box, she said ding dong!!!
yo mammas so ugly that when she went into a haunted house, she came out with a paycheck
yo mammas so stupid that she fell up the stairs
yo mammas so ghetto that when she breastfeeds, koolaid comes out. (this one isn't mine, it was in the movie "Meet The Spartans"
yo mammas so stupid that she got hit by a parked car
yo mammas so fat, shes so dam fat!! that when she fell down the stairs i wasnt laughing, but the floor was cracking up!!!
yo mama so stupid that wen the weather man said its chilly out she ran outside wit a spoon and a bowl
Yo mama so fat you have to grease the door frame and hold a twinkie on the other side just to get her through. Yo mama so fat she put on her lipstick with a paint-roller.
Yo mama so fat when she wears one of those X jackets, helicopters try to land on her.
Yo mama so fat her beeper went off and people thought she was backing up.
Yo mama so fat when she dances at a concert the whole band skips.
Yo mamma so fat she broke your family tree
Yo mama so fat, when she goes to KFC, she asks for the bucket on the roof
Your mama is so fat that when she steped on the scale i said "what the ****"
Your mama is so black when she gose in the pool people yell a oil spill
Your mama is so stupit that when you where born she said "it comes with cable?"
yo mama is so fat ben kenobi said thats no moon, thats yo mama!!
yo mammas so fat that when she steps on the scale, it says to be continued
yo mamma so stupid she thought 3.14 (pie) waz a new flavor for pie
yo mamma so stupid wen she saw a pic of people on the moon she said HOLY !@# $%$!#@$!# ALEINS!!!!!!!!! @#$@$#%*%$#$@
Yo mama so fat that she fell over and rocked herself to sleep trying to get up
Yo mama so fat Mount Everest tried to climb her
Yo mama so fat she don’t fit in this joke
Yo mama so fat she stepped on a Nintendo Gamecube and turned it into a Gameboy
yo mama so fat she doesn’t need the internet; she’s already world wide
Yo mama so fat she sat on a rainbow and popped Skittles out
Yo Mamma so fat, she had to go to Sea World to get baptized
Yo mamma is so fat when she tried to go to McDonalds she tripped over Wendys and landed on Burger King
Yo mamma so fat when she went in a elevator every time she pressed up she would go to h***
Yo mama so fat the last time she saw 90210 was on a scale
Yo mamma so fat when she goes swimming the whales start singing "We are Family Even If You're Fatter Then Me"
Yo mama so fat Bill Gates couldn’t pay for her liposuction
Yo mamma is so fat when she was walking on the street her belly button was sticking out everybody started saying, "hey look a third nipple!"
yo mama so fat she ate Jenny and Craig.
Yo mama so fat when she went to McDonalds they offered her a group discount
Yo momma is so fat that she uses the Great Wall of China wall as a belt
yo mamma's so stupid she threw a rok at the ground n missed
yo mama is so old people wanted to put her in a meuseam as an antique!
yo mama is so ugly when she entered an ugly contest the judges said sorry no professionals
yo mamma so old she sat behind Jesus in kindergarden
yo mamma so stupid she went to the mesuem and saw a statue of hitler and said AHHHHHHHHHHHH he's alive
yo mamma so stupid wen she plays poker she puts on gloves so no one can see her hand
yo mamma so short she the last one to no its raining
Yo mamas so fat when her butt finally got in the room her stomach was out
yo mama so fat when she walked past the tv i missed my show
yo mama so fat when she takes a shower her feet dont get wet
yo mama so fat she wears a bra on her back
yo mama so fat when she hugged your dad he dissapeared
yo mama so stupid she ran outside stuck a battery up her butt and yelled i got the power
yo mama so fat that when she went missing, they put her picture on a milk truck.
yo mama so fat that when she takes a bath, she fills the tub, then turns the water on.
yo mama so ugly that when she asks you to take out the garbage, you put her in a bag and set her on the curb.
yo mama so fat that she trick-or-treats 2 houses at a time.
yo mama so stupid that she called someone for their phone number.
yo mama so stupid that she thinks 2 quarterbacks makes a halfback
yo mama so fat and ugly that on nov. 1st she decided to turn around. when she did, it was halloween. She won the best costume contest.
omg manipoo22 and godzilla143 that waz so ****ing funny
yo mama is so short she commited suicide by jumping off a curb
ur mama is so dumb that she took a spoon to the superbowl
ur mama is so fat that i ran around her twice and got lost
ur mama is so fat that when she sat inside a monster truck it was a lowrider when she came out
(no affense to anyone)
yo mammas so stupid that she had you!!!! lol lets say this is for someone you hate
these are the funniest yo mamma jokes i have eva heard!!!
yo mamma so fat the bumper sticker on her car says watch out wide load
Yo mamma so fat she was diagnosed with flesh eating bacteria and the doctor gave her 87 years to live
Yo mama is so fat a truck hit her and she said, "Hey who threw that rock?"
Yo momma so fat when she went to the circus the little girl asked if she could ride the elephant
Yo moma is so fat when she farted it was the end of the world
Yo momma so fat she stepped on the scale and it said one person at the time
Yo mamma is so fat that on halloween she says trick or meatloaf
Yo mama so fat that when i tried to swerve around her i ran out of gas
Yo momma so fat when she gets cut she bleeds gravy
Yo momma so fat she’s on both sides the family
Yo mamas so fat everytime she turns around its her birthday
Yo mamma so fat, it takes her two trips to haul @$$
your mama is so tiny she committed suiced off a curb
Yo mamma so ugly, when she went to fair she ruined the mirror maze
agent crazy dude. that one was mine
yo mama is so poor she wanted to give her son an X-Box 360 so she drew an x on a box and spun it around and said here is your x box 360
lol to all
yo mama so fat she got a family of rats in all that fat.
yo mama so poor she thought that if she got some super glue a ps1 & ps2 she'll get a ps3
i need some friends on this site look at my page
your mamma is soooooo stupid she got locked in a grocery store and starved..............................