Hello everyone, I have returned. Anyway I'm a brony too now well, I always was but I had a bunch of fights with my brony friends and the show reunited me with my bronyness. Anyway, whoever is a brony friend me. oh, and for those haters out there I'm prepared for you. Without fights too. If you hate on the Bronies we or at least I will peacefully disagree with your opinion.
Really? ANOTHER forum? Alex, you could have just posted on your previous forum, instead of cluttering up the space for other forums.
And anyway, we decided that we would leave it, so only Bronies would post on it, and no-one did post on it after that so we can come to a conclusion that no one wants this forum (except you).
Bronies might post, if they do the forum will survive. Haters can no longer make me cause fights/debates. I don't really care if the forum dies. I will find more Bronies on here. This is just simply a forum to locate Bronies if they post.
Remember what happened on the other forum? You said the same thing and it died instantly.
Let's make the Brony line
Only post below me if you're a brony
This forum is going to die is it? Well you know whats cool about this one? I actually know bronies. Yes, Bronies. But not the bronies I knew. more Bronies.
Bronies: "We will love and tolerate the SH*T out of you."
Brohoof to all the bronies!
Honestly, Alex, you're going to get haters. Saying "no haters" is like tossing in a baited, and bobbled, fishing rod into a lake of hungry Parana.