
In the year 2525

6 posts
I got into a song from a awesome Futurama it was In the year 2525 just with diffrent words. My Dad told me that it is based on a real song. Then I looked up this song on youtube. When I heared I loved it! I an't stop listening to it even right now I'm still listening to it! Lol. Then my Dad told me it's a 60's I was a little supirzed then he listened to the video with me a oouple times. Heres a link that hopefully works http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=yesyhQkYrQM

I might upload the words to the song to.
Dude, if you love Futurama can you help? Whats the episode where everyone dies and they use this weird white stuff, and they all come back to life except Lila, and the delivery boy makes a robot her, and then she comes back?
OH! I know which episode that is I recently saw it!
That was the (real) season premier for the new ones on Comedy Central. "Rebirth" is the name of the episode. I really did like the In the Year 252525 episode it was really well written.
Level 27
1,984 Posts
Thats a pretty good song, shame the singers were one hit wonders though