*Walks into room, epicly*
Heyy everyone, sorry for not replying to most of you. Sooo... Anything new?
Daytona 500 is on Sunday.
Stuff is happening. Events that have took shape are happening again. I hope you didn't expect a simple answer from me.
Torrey:Is that a show? I never heard of it before.
Ben:*Smiled* Nope, I was expecting a little more actually (:
Aj:I Missed you too!
((New things that happened to me))
I got my @$$ kicked by these huge @$$ chicks. :(
What? *nearly speechless* Have you no sense of redneck at all? The Daytona 500 is the Superbowl of Nascar. I think you live way to far north! Come down south so that I shall awaken your stereotypical American roots! :P
*Laughs* I lived in AK for about 7-8 years now... So I don't know what happened down States. :P
You lived in an Automatic Kalashnicov for 8 years?!?!?!?!?!
*Laughs* No Silly, Alaska.