
Own world

20 posts
if u could do and be anything u want what would u do how would u look where would u live how old would u be what would u look like where would u work would u have enmies who would u marry or date?

what would your world be like?
I would be a queen who wore a balck top hat with a purple A on it with a couple feathers on the top i would also have a crown. I would have a long cape that followed me behind i would always where heels with my mini skirt and sexey top. I would live in a castle on a mountian which would have a great view of the town that worshiped me.
If im the Queen than whos the king? any volienteers??
ModLevel 32
5,891 Posts
My name would be Willow Zare(middle name) Nite. I would be a shifter (shape-shifter). I would be immortal. And finally I would travel the world for eternity and see what happens.
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
I would be Charles Freemont/Charles Fox, the famous artist, singer, writer, and actor who lives in a mansion with his fiancée, Autumn Dittiger, who he turns into a Vampire as they try to unlock the secret to stopping their Vampire Brands from opening completely, which will kill them. We'd fight off The Siphon Organization, Satan, and find out why it never stops raining on Earth, and when the Eternal Rain started. Filled with mystery and action and living in an Old World British Style setting in Kentucky where the Eternal Rain has flooded the streets so that they had to be dug into floodgates so people travel by way of boat and walking across footbridges. "It never stops raining here, and never will."
-Official Manga Poster
still searchin 4 a king..
Level 28
3,052 Posts
*Chuckles* I would whip my d1ck out and run around chucky cheeze. :P
Nah, but I want my world painted black. :P
JK ha ha, i'm on a roll.
My world has my perfect girl *idk what that is yet so, GOD! SUPRISE ME!* and we would be king & queen over the world. Also, I would want to be able to read everyones mind and tell them what to do. Like when a celebbrity is on stage, they thank me instead of all them fans and their moms and dads.
i expected more pazzazz in your world AJ
Level 28
3,052 Posts
I don't want to get banned how about that.
Level 28
3,052 Posts
'Love stops somewhere, but dreams are infinate'
lol and why did u just say that
Level 28
3,052 Posts
Wait, better come back is...
What I want isn't always leagal.
thats proabally very true!
Level 28
3,052 Posts
It is!
"If 100 buisnessmen decide to do something, it is legal, no matter what"
"If 100 buisnessmen decide to do something, it is legal, no matter what"
Level 28
3,052 Posts
I reported you. Lawl.
my world is a secret ;)