As u proabally now I was in the hospital for a couple of weeks and if u don't well I was because I had something growing in my throat and they did not now what was going on until.............................. They took an x-Ray and they needed to put me into surgury because I had trouble breathing and needed to put me into surgury rite away and I could have died from it so I spent what I thought was my last day with my family but I turned out to be alive and thank u all for your prayers and comments I reall apriciate it thank u all and please comment
Thanks I am sooo hungry but cause of my throat I can olny drink smoothies yum and applesauce yuck!!
i am happy ur alive love u babe
Love u to I love u with all of my heart
im calling bulls*** on this
I olny said that because of what u said
Why don't u both belive me why
(Again, here against my will)
I uh...Well I can't help here...
What do u mean?!?!?!?!?!?!?????!?
Ya my surgury went well all I can eat is smoothies and applesauce
Hi soo I can't belive I got through the surgury
i am glad u did dont think on the bad side b glad u made it
Thanks I'm sooo glad. I made it to!! Everybody thinks I'm not tellin the truth but I am!!