tell me what would you do with 100,000,000,000,000,000$
Oh........ I would have so many whores......
Can't think of a perverted response to that one...
... Well honestly I'd just use it to visit/live in Florida, buy band equipment, and then just give the rest away after I've kept at least enough to pay the bills for a year or two.
I would create... Well you know me well enough, you should know what kind of mad shi.t I'd do with it.
I would travel, forever. Then give it all to a random person in my will. ;D
I'll buy Google with the money
Sorry, rethinking my idea. I'd eat it.
I promise you I will not honor a flying monkey as my leader.
And you couldn't really buy the US... Even with that money.
Well, I would legit find all my real friends and give them a portion of the money and I would fund a lot of research into various things (mostly for the good of mankind...maybe not). I was originally thinking of splitting it up equally among everyone on the planet (that would leave $14,285,714.29 for everyone) but upon thinking about that then nothing would really happen. I would saturate the lower classes with money and pretty much destroy any sense of economy left in the world. Having that much money is not a good thing. I would probably just make me and my friends billionares and get rid of the rest somehow.
My mom's expensive apparently.
I would buy a very expensive pen and give the rest away to random homeless people I see laying on the street.
I'll pretend to be homeless so you will give me some so I can eat it!!!
I would ledgitly make the goverment make me a dollar bill that big. So I could just carry around $100,000,000,000,000.
I would buy an AK47, kill you, take your $100,000,000,000,000, and use a small fraction of that to get out of jail.
I would give poor people and get give them 1000000000 dollers
hey yes i would give it to poor people so what would you do with it
The problem is with that much you now have hyperinflation. Sure you're rich, but if you give it all away or buy stuff with it you're going to flood the market and we'll end up in an even worse depression (points where the paper the money is printed on is worth several hundred times more than the value of the currency)
i would buy all the video games in the world
the weird thing is that we attach so much value to a piece of printed paper with numbers on it....:/
without the money, things would be better, i guess.....
what i would to with a million i would buy that emu named veko and launch it into space
I would find out about how to spend it before I wake up from my fantastical dream.
i would buy the world and sell it to a gang of ants
I'd buy all the Blood I can Get!!
What'd one l*sbian vampire say to the other?
"See you next month."
*period joke* Pffffffff, wow.
ill throw it in the air like im tryin to pay tha sky
i think if i got 100,000,000,000,000,000$ i will buy the american army and tell them to destroy every school in u.s.a and i will invent Xbox2000 damn thats my dream :'(