Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know there was a slight data loss earlier today.
This was all my fault as I accidentally dropped some stuff and had to return the data from the games from a backup. Even though everything should be back to normal now the play count and ratings are what they where 2 weeks ago. (Also the 'uploaded by' won't appear to any games/walkthroughs you uploaded from the past two weeks)
If you notice anything wrong let me know and I'll fix it!
M'kay. Thanks for the explanation. I was really confused for a couple minutes. xD
yea the games were way back like 2 weeks ago like coma
Are all the highscores still there?
Whenever I press the "Random" button on the homepage... it always gives me an error message.
@Qman333: what is the error message? Also which browser do you use?
@paradox: Everything is the same except game plays and the ratings. Highscores, comments and stuff like that are all still there.
Dom, I think there is a problem. I went to palay "Kids vs. Icecream" and my truck was the very basic one. All my data was lost.
yeah um nanoTank and Roll Roll Pirate walkthroughs no longer say uploaded by |FBG$|carnage217
and i got the same problem as paradox
I'll fix those walkthroughs.
As for saved data that is actually saved on your computer but since the files where renamed it won't know where to locate your old files.
So do we have to fix that on our own? If so, how? Through cookies?
yea i waz really confused wen there were games on the page from 2 weeks ago
u know what dom i think i'll just start a new game!!!