Just post a reply to this topic if you want to participate in the v3 beta.
The beta will be going on all next week and you'll get bonus points for participating.
v3 beta is a preview to the next version of the site (version 3) for those wondering
Idk what that is but sure.
Beta of what? Whatever. I could use some free points.
Count me in! I can help with anything!
Yea, of course! I'm ready to test the beta device!
v3 = third version [of something]
beta = first version [sometimes, not tested]
v3 beta = the 1st version, not tested, of the 3rd version [of the new homepage Dom made]
okkkkk but ware are the forums help please reply and be griend please
Of course, wat ever to make gb better
I will. cant wait too see what it looks like
Ok, I'll try. Hope it's good
ill try it. cant promise i will do it tho
I'll try it too. Very Cooool :)
Really great, let's try it out!