I just started,dont even know why.I got an email about a year ago to do this
but i didnt listen until like,yesterday.So cool yourself bro.
You do not like the picture? Welcome, by the way.
I still doubt the legitimacy of all of this, but welcome anyways
i like nova but ill be ur friend
Hm... interesting... I'll be your friend.
thanks bros.
At least you arent barrels.
i dont understand but ok...
I am very suspicious of your avatar but I will still add you.
it's ok.it takes a while for anyone to finally realize.
but it's not like i like people who be a imposter of me.
But if you are an impostor... does that mean you hate yourself?
Good point.whats weird is that everybody thinks i impost stephano
Seriously. I've seen Felix type, and his grammar is way better than yours.
Indeed. We have a poser. Remember the time someone posed as Selena Gomez, Charles?
Hmm. I remember someone posing as Demi Lovato, but I can't remember a Katy Perry...
Hey did anyone(other than Charles) ever see that profile with the *Coughnakedcoughgirlcough.* -Sorry, dry throat- In the background.
The one with the cosplay Rukia naked? Yes. Was it worth it? Maaaaaybe. XD
Aw... Dom deleted their avatar and background... XD
I know u ur the one that made a slender man video!
Vintage thread is vintage.
If This Is Really PewDiePie Then Make A YouTube Video Saying It Iz Chu! Until Then i Am Not A Fakers "bro" And Shall Not Believe You!-.- That's Final -crosses arms-
come on i dont think his even pewdiepie pewdiepie is awsome and his grammer isnt like tht i agree with charlesFoxKays