Are you and your boy friend meant to be together?
I hope not, being a heterosexual single male
I'm going to assume she meant boyfriend or girlfriend...
And with that, I'm going to assume two things. First: this girl is young. And two: this girl just recently started a new relationship.
And not only that, but most people would say them and their lover were meant to be together. If they didn't then why would you be in a relationship with them?
It seems really trivial for the most part and probably one of the top 10 stupidest posts on this site.
so if this is the 8th stupedist what is the first?????
Love is as fake as compassion. I'm done with it, as my heart was ripped from it's home in my chest. I'll tell you this, kid, if you're young, stop. Your life will be RUINED by relationships. They're stupid....
But I contradict myself. I'm alone, but don't want a relationship because I'll just get hurt again. And I tell you this, I'd wait until you're in your 20's, have a house, a career, and can actually support a family. Otherwise, it won't last....
Truthfully I been though enough relationship and know that love is really hard to find. You need to ask yourself questions like: is this relationship going to work or not, or is he/she the one for me? You need to ask questions about it and also ask him/her questions too.
You don't need to rush into a relationship just because people think you need too. I had my heart broken many times and broken guys hearts too. Make the right choice.
1. I don't believe in absolutely true love
2. I can't help but lol each time I see the original comment:
>"Are you and your boy friend meant to be together?"
>Username: sexy123
I do. But she's too old for me.
I have one i don't kown how but i do
shubham this not gud friend plzz full sex
hahahaha me i do not believe in love
shawn is cute and nice got ya
''Love it's like a narcotic. At first it brings the euphoria of complete surrender. The next day you want more. You're not addicted yet, but you like the sensation, and you think you can still control things.You think about the person you love for two minutes then forget them for three hours. But then you get used to that person, and you begin to be completely dependent on them. Now you think about that person for three hours and forget them for two minutes. If that person is not there, you feel like an addict who can't get a fix. And just as addicts steal and humiliate themselves to get what they need, you're willing to do anything for love.'' - Paulo Coelho .
love is like a apple u dont want to eat
first of all lol ^ it could be that way if you make it.
second, i believe that school is a "time to experiment to see what your into" (quote by metropal)but in the adult life love is more of keeping friendships being able to trust and forgive the other in hard times. also you can make love as bitter seeming as you want but on the other hand, there is no such thing as "fairytale relationship", in other words its like having a beautiful garden without doing the work- it doesnt happen that way. True love isnt easy, but it can be found.
I'm has alo belieeve in luv. :) me n fairy cn spell. tay u can't.