I'm Pops I'm new to this site. You may recognise me from Regular Show,Hahahahahaha!
Request accepted. I normally just accept any request people send to me. Protip if you start chatting with me. I may not actually be available. I have the tendency to leave up a tab of GamesButler and do other stuff instead. So, when you try to contact me I may not be around. I got a few people angry at me because I wasn't answering them. Just a heads up.
No body welcomed me from my "I'm new" forum from a while ago. I feel hated.
Don't believe him he canonly spout lies from his mouth.
Welcome Pops! I welcomed you Gangsta.
Welcome mate!
Hope u have a good jolly time!
r u guys like from Europe or somewhere.............im just asking i dnt mean anything by it hhahahahah