pick ur favorite xbox360,ps3,wii
game that u think is the best
its prob gonna be assassins creed brotherhood or lbp 2
theres so many i can't choose 1
i can tell you the game of the year for 2009. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves. that game was personally my favorite and it actually won the game of the year award
for this year im gonna have to say Crackdown 2. that game is amazing but like wat Storm said, there are so many great games this year and with Halo Reach coming out this September 7th, and Assasin Creed, and Call Of Duty Black Ops coming out November 11th any of them could be the game of the year. i think its gonna be Black Ops or maybe Creed cause of the amazing multiplayer
Army Of 2 was a pretty good game
2009 had the bast game of the milenia, Uncharted 2: among theives, but 2010 gotta be Halo Reach
im with Metalhead on that one
Xbox360 - Grand Theft Auto: 4
Monster Hunter Tri, i think that came out 2010. its for wii
xbox360 battlefeild bad company 2
awesome to play on live