Steamy Ho Slappa?
Bloody Jack Smithe?
Tio Famoso?
Puppy Dog?
Mûng Mûng Underwood?
Damnit Don?
Dragul the Immortal?
..... I like.
Gangsta=Young Dirty Red Snappa
Pirate=Decayin' Bryan Scarr
Mexican Wrestler=El Burrito Mejor
Pet=Silly Jiggles
taxi Driver=Krâshdakab McCarthy
Mafia=Green Nicky Giamatti
vampire=Thirsty Damek Scray
Young Dirty Rhino Banga
Whinin' Burt Cutler
---------------------------- F*ck this sh*t -_-
Caballero ****** (Black Horseman)
---------------------------- Kinda Cool... :P
Spanky Daddy
---------------------------- *Loses it* F*CK YES!
Krâshdakab Wilson
Nicky Leatherchest
Bloodless Armand van Hellsing
Stinky Nut Mule Robba
Navigatin' Ronny Teach
El Chango Supremo
Hulky Cha-cha's
Zzmükhan Brown
Alfredo the Fruit
Once-Bitten Tristan
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . awesome
Secret African
(My pirate one was so stupid that I refuse to say it)
El Goooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaal Verde
Silly Jiggles
PoPo Sanders
Motor Tongue Roberto
Count Sauron Chickensucker (Yes, I am serious)
I am disappointed.
Old Fool Hung Daddy
Insane Carlos Read
Pantera Rapido (Fast Pantera)
Hamster Trousers
Gangâlostömy Wilson
Giorgio Monkeyface
Toothless Vome Crepsley
John Cougar Pond Swimma
"Cirrhosis" Benjamin Dread
Pirata Blanco
Large Nose
Phzhzmxtl Watson
Knobby Giuseppe Brassi
Shirtless Sauron Vachon
King German Fool
Pirate Misty the Malformed
Spanko Gigante
Monkey Ears
Tzma©h Mitchell
Bullet Riddled Bambi
Leapin' Blair Grimm
John Cougar Pond Swimma
"Cirrhosis" Benjamin Dread
Pirata Blanco
Large Nose
Phzhzmxtl Watson
Knobby Giuseppe Brassi
Shirtless Sauron Vachon
Old Fool Hung Daddy
Insane Carlos Read
Pantera Rapido (Fast Pantera)
Hamster Trousers
Gangâlostömy Wilson
Giorgio Monkeyface
Toothless Vome Crepsley
Fail. Not Fast Pantera. It means Fast Panther.
It's google translate's fault