
How do you unlock Hard Time Attack in Shadow of the Colossus?

3 posts
I beat the game the first time around and then started it again on hard. The first thing I did once I started it again was get all the items from the Normal Time Attack. After that I just beat the game like before. I sat through the credits for the second time and saved afterward. When the title screen came up I hit load and I was back at the Shrine of Worship with 0 colossi defeated and a little blue 3 next to my saved game. I immediately proceeded to defeating the first two colossi in Time Attack but didn't get The Harpoon of Thunder as I thought I would. Am I doing something wrong? Any help is appreciated as I've really been looking forward to White Agro as well :D

P.S- I found out that you cannot have the hard time attack items and the normal time attack items in the same file. I tried to start a new game on easy and on hard but neither one will let me play time attack on hard. whats going on?
do you know how old that game is?
Yes haha my friend let me borrow it years ago and i thought it was a horrible game so i gave it back to him but i just bought it a few weeks ago and now im stuck.