whats the best game in your oppion
Call Of Duty Black Ops. it has the perfect mix of an awesome campaign and the best multiplayer ever made. its so fun
and if you play it on LIVE its so much fun
i herd about it at scool my parents told me i cant get it becase its close to chrismas
Black Ops is fun, but definitely not the best game ever. It's just a FPS. A good one, I'll give you that much. But originality is a major factor (as far as I'm concerned) when deciding the greatest Anything ever. Black Ops is just a well-refined version of what's been done a thousand times before.
These questions are always tough for me. I have way too many favorites. But some that come to mind are Mike Tyson's Punch Out, Metal Gear Solid, and Grand Theft Auto.
Metal Gear Solid is so horrible. i played the last one once, and never played it again
force unleashed 2 on anything but ds
Either Force unleashed 2 or Halo Series
Black Ops, only if u have live and if u have an X BOX
call of duty mw2 or medal of honor
Why make another forum about this?? Everybody knows that the best game ever is Super Mario Bros! classic
I like Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition. Or Deadrising 2
I love me some Bioshock 1 & 2 :)
im gonna have to go w/ that classics, spyro, crash bandicoot, mario etc
mines is going to have to be the gears series and spyro series and also Cod series.
Halo Custom Edition is really fun get it! ^_^)
Transformers Dark of the Moon
God Of War simply because its has the best graphics and was voted #1 sony game. and i herd they are making a fourth one carnt f.u.c.k.i.n.g wait:)