No I didn't. I specifically remember you eateded your own cookie!
No. We don't host any sales. You have to play full price!
I don't believe. I'm gonna have to arrest you!
Well maybe you should shave your fur!
Ya. She needs to cut that Shiz off.
I didnt know that asians named their kids maybe.
I didnt know that asians named their kids maybe.
Maybe its something that they just started. Like the list of asian names that were popular in 2012
Get some thumbs and cook it Dumb@$$
Its an adorable little big though.
Dang. You shouldn't have taken your **** out and gotten drunk so your behind wouldn't have a headache from the damn hangover!
Aww. But we don't condone cat and human relationships
Of course I like it. When I got my haircut about a month ago that was about the same length I had cut mine. Except I had bangs and I part mine different. Plus my hair already grew and inch more or less
Well thanks for eating my cookie! But I got one from Rachel so i guess i is good.
but its people like that make it that way someone said that ullisy s grant wrote harry potter deathy haloows
-_- We are allowed to use Wikipedia at school. :p The format is irritating in the first place.
U know, exactly what u did. How about u dont question me.So cute sticking up 4 ur bestie. Wat wuz she 2 chicken to post so she begged u to post something like she did to me on a nother forum when we actually WERE FRIENDS. She really has to stick u p 4 her self! Mind ur own business!And yes. It is VERY nice.13 year olds shouldn't get offended. I know I said I apologize, just NOT 2 u 2! I will never forgive that. U 2 were RUDE and NASTY. So yes it IS VERY NICE! Have a nice life! And tell Philly26 that it is HER fault. It sucks she only has U to stick up 4 her!