
More Jokes

8 posts
ModLevel 20
1,978 Posts
Ok, 3 men are sitting at a table and the first man says: ''I have small feet!'' The second man says : ''I have small hands!'' The third guy says: ''I have a small pe.nis!'' They all decide to go to Guinness World Records to see if they have broken any records for smallest body parts. The first man comes out of the building and says: ''I broke the record for the smallest feet!'' The second man comes out and says ''I broke the record for smallest hands!'' The last guy comes out and says : ''WHO THE FU.CK IS JUSTIN BIEBER?''
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Overused and no longer funny. Sorry bro.
|FBG$| VeKo
|FBG$| VeKo
ModLevel 33
2,229 Posts
Although I will give you a few points for plot
ModLevel 20
1,978 Posts
:'( No more jokes.
ModLevel 20
1,978 Posts
Well, I will tell you an aberrant story about my cat eating tomato soup. I take out and open a can of tomato soup. I pour it into a bowl. I look away and when I look back the cat is eating the soup.
Level 1
2 Posts
im a bonde chi oooo b00bs sexyy ha ha
ModLevel 34
6,708 Posts
Originally posted by jilliaim a bonde chi oooo b00bs sexyy ha ha
Excusez moi?