Post any of your funny epic fails I will rate you. Just make sure not to use any bad language or bad pictures. Now Post your failz in 3...... 2....... 1....... Go!!!
I'm on a school computer. So tecnicly your just had another epic fail. :)
you have to click 'full-size image' and link to that
OH MY GOD! I HAVE JUST NOTICED THE IRONY IN THIS FORUM! It's a forum about epic fails... Well look at the title.. EPIC FAIL!!! IRONY WINS... FATALITY! XD that was lame...
I love a good bit of irony.
Ha, I may not have been the first to see that, but I caught it and wrote it down! XD
Most small children will hide under their beds.
Most small children will get in his car.
DEBATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Considering a lot of small children don't know a shi.t about se.x, they wouldn't.
Umm, I think you should meet some of the elementary kids I know.
I mean 3-5. And that's also why I also think American elementary kids are wierd.
Well they will find out when their in his car.
Haha, elementary is a awkward stage.
eeeepppiiiccccc ffffaaaaaiiiillll !!!!!
BURNED ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you write a comment, click the button "Image" above the forum text box. A box will pop up on your screen with another text box in it. Just paste the link of the image you want to post in the text box and press "OK". A long link will appear in your original forum text box. Don't delete anything in the link. Then just write whatever you wish to write before or after the link, and click "Post".
But if on google, make sure you paste the full size image link or it won't work.
Btw if you're too stupid to read... They're saying "How about the two of us have hot les.bian se.x while Tomoya watches?"
WE CAN READ!!!!!!!!!!! MOST OF US AT LEAST!!!!!!!!!
OMG!! I just finished watching the first volume of that anime!!!! XD
Give the the name of the anime?
CLANNAD , I believe. It's actually a good anime. You can find the first volume on Netflix.
My sister watches that anime
Wierd, very wierd