I just came up with this idea, if we did a rp story. Anyway this is how it works. Someone has to start a Rp then the other person continues it. I'll start. Lets do a Doctor Who Rp story or a Doctor Whooves Rp story. There all almost the same. I say Doctor Whooves.
*TARDIS apears to a futuristic place*
*The feces struggles to remove itself from the butthole without a helping hand*
This would be better if we didn't work in a crossover to begin with.
*a crazy powerful god who claims his name is pickleman27 walks in through a portal wth crazy awesome powerful futuristic weapons and claims he can defeat any one any time any where*
*Invincible Camel instantly destroys pickleman* THE END.
"u cant destroy me! i am invicible and im a god!" *shows off his ballistic plasma knife*