Continue on the story. Use only six words or less.
Tom was off too the store when...
A mad cannibal ate him and ...
Pooped him out as a butterfly...
Which was then shot down by the CIA (Excuse the seven words.)
(Its excused) As it fell, a bird flew
Into The Oubliette of Eternity.
Then a plane blew up above...
and dropped several cats on him
of his snake started to rattle
because a giant doom bot appeared
turns out it was my ****** *had to, just had to. plus it is 6 words*
....That happened to be quite jacked
Yes. I will start...
Once a man yelled out...
started to dance very pervy, when
but out from the grave came
a dancing skeleton with a cane
And his broken parts became sacred
Which were found by a hobo
Who is now called Saint Lamar
that had s.e.x. in church on the alter (excuse 7 words)
(excused, for now) because he was getting married to
A penguin and then they...
lived happily ever after until
And squashed them during a
christmas dinner, spraying food across the
blowing everything up in to pieces
The universe ended but one alien race survived (excuse the eight words)
for he was the great Galactus
(Whatever.) And started to play his Xbox
And he got a new one from (excuse the 7 words)
interglactict space market in mars
For the fun of it (Just screw the rule.)