Hello, I live in Brazil, I know that players from countries GamesButler live, the difference in playing countries around the world. So Let's Begin
I live in Brazil
I live in USA. Mid-Florida to specific
USA, Kentucky, Independence to get specific...
ireland (its snowing :P )
Nice thread idea, moved to forum games. I live in N.C, USA
North East England, and its VERY cold here
canada, ontario and itz really really cold up here too! itz -30 almost everyday sometimes goes up to -50!!!!
Scary Randy, thats just scary. U.S.A. and I live on the bottom of Pennsyvania.
Las Vegas, Nevada USA USA USA USA
sum place that is top secret...
Oohhh Snapp AIJ007 I Liv In The US Of A , Pennsylvania
So Cardinals, you're an alien in Area 51?
You said your location was top secret...
No offense but you're not in this conversation, Sofia....This is between me and the CIA!
I live in Texas :D hehe.
Am I the only from Germany? :D:D
Not offended Charles ^^
I will let you talk with the CIA and the "human"...Cardinals? [jk]
That's why you're so weird. No offense, but people from the west are weird. But entertaining.
The land of the Kangeroo...............
Not even the dirty blond either.