every so offen (depends on how many posts i get in a day) ill add a new question and you put in your awnser
1st ultmete quwestion how many points would you like (less then 1700 not includeing hello person or any one else with 1700+)
i would like 2000 (i hope i didn't break your rules i didn't understand them...)
hello person you didnt break the rules and carnlange i said less then 1700 but ill let you off
the next question who is your fav player (no voteing for your self!!)
Since i can't vote for myself :( i will say Joe is my favorite
helloperson and tom why the heck can't u spell carnage when its right there infront of your FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????
i mean helloperson is the best
ok ready for the 3rd debate well here it is
how many friends do you want to have (under 2500)
ok the 4th quwestion what is your IQ?
mine is 140 (av is 70 enstiens 115)
i don't know so u might as well change the subject
the next qustion is whats your fav thing on games bulter
45843134685343543534546433271523365465454546434657463455223213725328362832734246524652376521675261207864142768541276267852+725376541375264124763526724+7524654+72655+76412672852637253372385267383527632853734276525731218372432813757137188537286376873457867648763575635 lol