Alright i know there is some people out here that have there heart broken and wished that didnt happend and wish that they could have another chance with that person that u loved and trust me i know how it feels u feel depressed u feel like crap and i know we all been there thats why i made this forum so we can talk about what happend to us and how much pain we been threw and stuff and hopefully this perspn that they know who they are so u will know my pain ever sense u broke up with me i have been depressed and alqays listening to sad songs and also i used to be always happy hanged out with my friends always partying and camping but sense the day this woman broke up with me she said spme hurtful things today and now i cant even hang out with my frienda with out bringer that girl up into the subject if u have been in my place right a comment.
I feel your pain, but discussing it with online strangers isn't good.
Ya its true but remmember its not like we know eachother or ever going to meet
I Feel Your pain. But not with a girl xD ((Talking about this subject with random strangers is better, most of them have reasonable sense.))
yes i agree and with u its true.besides if u talked to some one that u know they will tell everyone else at school and we all know that
and here i thought i had repressed those sh*** memories, thanks man
u guys are like really wierd but hey who isnt weird go look at my about me it is really actually true
Hey, who isn't weird? I have a dirty mind. Is that weird?
Love is a fckkkken B!itch. words of the wise. (Fck love)
I think i found my dirty girl lol
dude it aint weird to try and talk to people you dont know because u can let evrything out and not worry about us judging you and i know from personal experience you will find another girl you love. good luck bro
Lol so ur going out with her?
Well.. I've got heartache.. but it's for a world-class screamo that if I asked him out he wouldn't say no.. he would say Hell No.. and that saddens me.. although Brody hurt me.. he's still my best friend.. and I'm in love with him.
Correction Aj, I "WAS" yours. ;D
Damit dam u a.j shoot i almost went out with every girl here now i find someone i really like and this happens bs
i fell in love wth a grl while dating her and i acsidentaly dumped her. i wanted her back she said no so i bought her a 150 dollar ring and she still denied.she hates me now.i guess we r enemys
thank u zthunder for making this forum
np and harsh man you ok after that?
Try havin' your ex pull the old "I still love you, but I'm dating him to change and be the girl you fell in love with." ... Though it was true, being together for almost a year, she started being more of a bi.tch and we fought too much. :P We're friends now, but the way her bf is acting, it'll probably change soon. ;D
P.S. She dumped me. :P I still love her.....
i still secretly love her but she hates me and is dating another guy
plus asking her out again would make me w
Sometimes I lie on my bed and pretend to be a carrot.
With me I haven't been "in love" or close in a long time so I kinda forget wha a broken heart feels like but owell, it'll happen eventually and many times after that, so right now I'm just waiting.
ok but this is what i hate when you like someone and u don't know if the person you like likes you or not so then you won't ask them out...and then what happens is when u get the guts to ask out that person they already have a boyfriend or girlfriend.don't you guys hate that?cause i know i do.
so do i *ignores the thought of mostafox being a carrot on a bed*
Well you got to remember that some poeple are very good at hiding how they feel. So the person you like could like you back. I mean just remember love is all about taking risks and if you dont take those risks you could regret it. Who cares if u look like a fool, atleast u had the guts to do it unlike others. People will respect u for that.
i never thought of that....thx
You 12 year olds must have a REALLY active love life. -__-
what r u talking about?????
ikr for real what r you talking about?
thanks for sharing *said sarcastically*
lol polokid...anyways no one gives a dam pickleman you might have runed a chance of going out with someone here that goes to your school or something you know that right?
but wouldnt someone who went to his school know how old he is and if he's a dude or not?
he didnt reply yet......owell z guess he got tired of us lmao
well it is funny when people get broken up...
who sayed anything about being bnroken up with?????/this isnt a relationship....... or atleast i didnt think it was ?????
lmao this forum is about how love is a b!tch sometimes and how it hurts.
well i know that but most forums tend to drift off topic
yea lets drift off um... who likes pie *speaks fast* i like bbq pie lemon pie cherry pie apple pie candy pie brownie pie cracker pie computer pie pie pie. lol