This is a most unusual paragraph. This writing may annoy you until you find out why it is so unusual, for you won't find a solution instantly. But don't go into a tailspin about it or go crazy, for it isn't that difficult. But you will admit that it is most unusual. This writing looks so ordinary that you might think that nothing is wrong with it. And, in fact, nothing is wrong with it. But it is unusual, and you must ask why. If you study and think about it, you may find out why, but you must do it without any coaching of any kind. No doubt if you work at it for long, it will dawn on you...who knows? So start to study it now, and try your skill at finding out what is so unusual about this writing. If you can do it in half an hour, you may claim an approach to wisdom, but if you can't do it in half an hour, you fail. What is wrong with this paragraph?
You didn't indent :3
idk, i couldn't find anything else
there are "..." but im afraid that called a continues.. ....there is nothing wrong with the says it its self....."And, in fact there is wrong with it." and if there is you dont put *And* in the beggining of a sentence..and you dont capitalize it says ask im asking why is it unsual?!? thats all i got ..there is nothing wrong with it..i think..idk..and idc :D
You started a sentence with but. Although it may be what King pointed out that nothing is indeed wrong with that paragraph or is it. What I always fail to ask you that is anything really unusual about this paragraph or is it just something to test our wisdom. I am sure it is something to test my wisdom because i quote you said "If you can do it in half an hour, you may claim an approach to wisdom, but if you can't do it in half an hour, you fail." Maybe it could be that you put a question mark behind who knows or it is indeed two paragraph. NO I KNOW MY HARD WORK SHALL NOT BE IN VAIN SOMEBODY WILL FIND THE ANSWER OR HAVE SOMEBODY ALREADY ANSWERED THE RIDDLE. ALTHOUGH YOU MAY HAVE CREATED THAT CURSED RIDDLE YOURSELF AND THE ANSWER NEVER EXISTED. WHILE EVERYTHING WAS SUPPOSE TO BE JOKE AND A SILLY GAME YOU CAN LAUGH AT LATER OR IS IT REALLY a riddle?
It doesn't contain the letter E. This is unusual as E is the most common letter in the English alphabet. I did not look this up, I have read it before.
I am thinking of a word of letters three, add two and fewer there will be. What's the word?
God, I've heard this one... *Tries to remember*