Nope... It's all stupid.. with a "u" not a double o.
Someone's angry at their results.
how is knowin who sang something counted as brains, that test is BS
I do agree with Dan as well, it isn't a proper IQ test.
Tip: Where is says "Bold Text" or "Italic Text" THAT'S WHERE YOU PUT THE TEXT!!!
I don't have to bother with the test because I am not even as smart as the average rock :D
....the only answers i were sure of were the questons about meth && My Chemical Romance... i fail at life -__- lol
I got 1000, ain't i smart or what.
lol, I didnt really get a 1000 Dur i really got a 5 i know.
39.6% stoopider then the average human :(
My score was 11:l
The problem is like most of this is history/social studies questions. It's not really well rounded actually.
I happen to have did pretty well (but then again, I'm probably older and had more school years than most of you). There were only like two questions that you wouldn't have seen in school. I managed to get a 26 making me 40.5% smarter than the average human apparently.
i got a 20, that test was boring though.
I've had my IQ legally tested before, i scored a 197
I've taken an IQ test. My IQ is 150, which is considered genius. I've always been in AP classes and had either A's or B's, only once did I get an F and that was in Third Grade Language Arts, now, as a 14 year old I happen to be an ace at L.A. and I'm going into Spanish 1.
I mainly have trouble with math, specifically Algebra, but I barely passed it with an A.
Geek of Rock wins.
"Who sang 'The Black Parade'"??? What kinda of test is this? It's kinda a fun test, though.
Unfortunatly my score was 11, most because I was running out of time before reading the questions... You can only do this test once, since it repeats the questions. :(
let it be established that this test is a sh*t test, and all who agree, STOP COMPLAINING!!!!
You know I just posted this to be funny.
I haz got smart!
No s*** WW2 happened 1939-1945