My oldest girlfriend was when i was in 6th grade, i dated an 8th grader.
I was in, 6th grade and I dated a 18 year old. *wink wink* one night stand though.
wink wink means u never have dated anyone except for an online person. and for all u no, allison could have been a robot
oh sure you did cardinals.
my last one was with your mom. oh, i just remembered to tell you something, i just got your bedtime changed from 9:00 to 6:00
whoa feeling a lot of jealous? haha jks i never had a girlfriend... or did i ;D
me, jealous? and of all people him? get outa here
No Jack, it was real life.
cindy who was the guy tht was 20
ryan u dk him babby he was sweet to me but not as sweet as u
i better be the best person
Luke, you sound like a You BETTER be the best person? And on another forum "You BETTER claim me"? Wow you a.sshole you don't tell a girl she'd BETTER do anything you want, or call you anything. Oh wait, you don't exist! You're a fake, you're Cindy...Who needs to learn to make a better personality, I AM the king of faking people out on this site and that is because I have a multiple personality disorder.
My final dun is bigger than yours!!! :P
Ha! Either way, she's made an a.sshole of herself...
that describes Luke perfectly. good research Charles