OK i am sick and tired of The U.S NOT HAVING GAS!!!!!!!!!!!
I HAD A TALK WITH MY BRO AND MY DAD ABOUT THIS CRAP AND WELL THE ONLY PLC WERE GETTING GAS IS FROM ARABIA over 1 billion gallons of gas is being sent to us each day and if we dig up Alaska we can double it!!!!!! maybe tripple it!!! dont get me wrong i think the enviorment people r doiing a great job protecting these animals that live in this state but the u.s is a dump and well we need to clean up that act i acutlly regret voting for OBAMA,
Uh?? Sorry I don't get it. You're talking about gas, dumps, animals, or presidents?
mm... So the U.S. don't produce it own gas? Why? Because the animal protection on Alaska?
you're fourteen, how did you vote?
This should have been on his election posters...
Should I mention US does produce gas.
Who likes politics anyway? To me all the goverment do is sit around and argue *lie* all day. DOWN WITH POLITICS!!!!!!!!!
I'm actually into politics a bit
i hate obama and john fought 4 our country in the army and OBAMA DID NOT!!
In what war Obama should have fought, or will fight? Today we just press a button and a nuclear explosion happens somewhere. The army don't need guns anymore...actually, why we need an army?
If things dont go the way i plan, then im joining the army and then im gonna kick some a$$ wherever i get deployed
God, you ignorant people. And seriously how many of you are even old enough to vote or actually know about anything that is going on?
I doubt you are. And yes actually, I am.
I agree with Peter, or my twin, we'll kick ****.
*Cudgels Matt in face, pivots on foot and stabs him in the back with a machete, then cuts his head off with short sword*
yep. me and AJ are gonna join the army, come back home with some sexy a.ss scars, and then get some sexy as.s women :D
That is just racist. And I hate racists more than anything in the world.
Though it has not been proven if he is even legally allowed to be president.
Speaking of gas....i really need to go fill up my car. Haha.
I've always wanted a scar down my beefy abs. the could rub it with their mouths slightly open. Then I grab her arabian boobs and forget her while killing the husband. :)
haha ya AJ, you and me both. i'd love a scar on my pak
who the hell sed that i sed that i hate blacks?
"obama is African American! never should have been a president! NO OFFENSE TO THE AFRICANS OUT THERE!" Uh, you kinda implied it.
Yeah. Racist scum Cardinals.
i think this forum should be locked...
I'm not racist Cardinals, tell me how in one way I am racist.