Why we aways start ANY shooting games with some simple stupid pistol or whatever. It's just a pistol. It's stupid. There is space for 7 or 9 bullets or so. I mean, NOTHING. I will spend more time reloading the gun than shooting. But ok, fine, whatever, I got a pistol. WITH UNLIMITED AMMO????? Those are UNLIMITED BULLETS!!!! This means that will take FOREVER to run out of bullets!!!! THAT IS TOO MUCH TIME! And if the AMMO is UNLIMITED why would I need to reload it anyway??? And that brings me another question: Why would I change weapons if I have a pistol with UNLIMITED AMMO?!?!?! I could just use a machine gun with UNLIMITED AMMO, and will be the same! Or I can put all the UNLIMITED AMMO in a cannon and fire. I will hit more human targets/human beings/ducks/zombies then if I shoot with a pistol!!! And HOW we can make these bullets???? IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!! This is all a LIE! How I will kill the zombies with bullets that DOESN'T EXIST!?!?!?
...Uh...wtf u talkin' bout willis?
Is this a game? Is it Black Ops? Cuz in Black Ops I kick **** with a pistol and never miss a headshot with it....
im going to say wtf like everyone else here
so here it is
haha,lmao. That was fun to read
i know right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
you cant have unlimited things, its impossible, were just kidding around ( btw after reading it 4-5 times i understood)
u need to take a day out of black ops
lol, I didn't think this forum would have so many posts! [most of them is "wtf" but it's ok]
Unfortunately I never played Black Ops... I was talking about every fps game in general with unlimited ammo, like the flash Duck Hunt or Bunny Invasion. XD
Ok, enough kidding around... Like on L4D or something like that [probably Black Ops too], that gives you an infinite cartridge of bullets when you can't deal around the others [or enemies] with your own fists [or knifes or crowbars] since the game can't allow you to use them [not in L4D case, because we can use melee weapons there].
shooting games are like da bomb!!!!!!!!!u getta kill ppl!i love 'Left 4 dead
Anyway, I'm just telling what I think about it...
Just kidding around ^^
finally, it makes sense to me
That happened to me in Halo Reach with a DMR
You don't get unlimited ammo anything in Black Ops...Even the handgun has an ammo limit...I know it does in MP mode...Not sure about campaign
The correct answer is that every single protagonist with infinite pistol ammo is secretly a wizard, but the only magic they can perform is magic to create pistol rounds. In fact, every video game protagonist is a little bit wizard-like. Why do you think they don't have to use the bathroom, or sleep, or eat for days on end as well as still put in 100% of your effort even when you're on the verge of death for hours at a time?
Chuck Norris knows what willis is talkin about
Hey, I wouldn't be surprised anymore. I'm sure we all saw our fair share of stupid people.
wow, I didn't thought this forum would have more than 20 replies...
You guys can't imagine my happiness right now!
Oh, about the dcinciruk's July 5th post: YEAH! THAT'S RIGHT! Someone finally understood my pain/confusion/disappointment. I don't know what question you answered [I even know if I made a question there, too tired to read all over again... haha]. And you forgot how I can be just "fine" being healed or getting a medkit or painkillers, after all the zombies attacks, shoots, desperation and adrenaline. XD
Other thing I will never understand...