Dont u just hate it?!.
I know I know I spelled cruelity wrong
so what
Animal cruelity is wrong!!!
oh s**t i didnt even see that comment before mine srry. i meant who doesnt to her saying dont ya just hate it
ANimal cruelty is wrong...Animal testing however, is a different story
animal cruelty and animal testing is evil
Yes, I do believe animal testing is terrible, and I do not condone it, however, it is, unfortunately, necessary for the survival of the human populace. Doctors can learn more about the human anatomy from animals than from computerized models of cells or from makeshift bodies made from materials similar to flesh and blood, but can't fully compare like an animal's flesh and blood. I hate animal testing but test on 10 animals to save billions of humans: Sounds fair, after all, animals reproduce fast.
-I don't mean to be a b.itch but you spelled cruelty wrong....-
FACT- TDOR RandomFreak can't spell
ya its terrible. then hyena wouldnt hav his avatar and fox wouldnt hav had his old 1. i wouldnt have mine eether
Whom would hurt you? just curious
animal testing is neccesary for human survival
who gives a crap if i spell stuff wrong
this is online not a f.uc spelling test
f.uc still counts as an alternitive to f.orget so you want to cut off ck