the type of bubblegum that is pink
The type that is Blue and in squares
the type i love the most is the best type because i am epic and awsome yes yes i am
so is yo mamma's face biotch
nope,your daddy he's a prick for making u and that's y everyone is mad at him cause u were born
Your the mistake here :) but its okay, someone might care about you at some point.
like his *stabber* PAHAHAHAHA
i believe its spelled "pieces"
*snickers*...You guys are the best I tell ya!
shhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut up
xero, as long as you argueing with me, you will never win!
correction i have already won because ur a fa.g and god hates fa.gots so go to hell
correction, im atheist, i dont believe in god
anyway i quite like cola hubba bubba
your mother didnt say that last night
yes she did when she saw ur small and left because of it
why would she leave her own home
she didnt yeah i know about the hotel u littel
u know about that? stalker much
oh yeah well sorry if im concerned about my mom
but theres no need to follow me
i new my mom was with u so i followed u get the math
i love how serious your taking this
i know right i bet ur really enjoy this big thing in ur small pointless life
quite a big life actually, and admittely alot of pencils i ow are a bit blunt
intersting yet ur picking fights with guys on the internet u dont even know wow ur pittiful
so are u so but out cu.nt
im not fighting anyone, who has used all the bad language? thought so
Hahahahahaha, grow the hell up little boy.
i act more grow up then the picking fights on the internet
Umm, thats what you are doing now..
no ur the one who said first
No, you called him a I said that was rude and it went from there. I was kidding, apparently you can't take a joke.